"A Question of Karma" featured on Berkeley Fiction Review podcast

The story, which centers on a group of young adults living in San Francisco during the Great Recession, was published in 2023 in the print edition of Berkeley Fiction Review. It is available to stream on Spotify and YouTube.

Many thanks to the talented team who made this happen:

Narrator 1: Alexander Flores
Narrator 2: Emily Choi
Fran: Avantika Chitturi
Wren: Georgia Kerr
Marian: Emily Hamill
Kira: Isabel Chen
Fran's parents: Emily Choi
New roommates: Alexander Flores

Editors: Luna Garza-Hillman & Kylie Min

"A Question of Karma" finds its home at the Berkeley Fiction Review

I’m delighted to share that my short story, “A Question of Karma,” has been published in issue 43 of the Berkeley Fiction Review. I especially love this illustration by Tracy Sun. It means a lot for me for this piece to find a Bay Area home, as this is an especially regional story. Many thanks to the editorial staff housing this story about intentional living.