"Scouting," "Where I Come From is Dirt," "Soloist"

I’m thrilled to share news of two recent publications and a podcast feature.

  • In November, the wonderful editors at Plume: A Writer’s Companion, invited me to contribute a recording of an original piece to their podcast. I recorded my flash fiction piece, “Soloist,” which was originally published by Fiction365 and performed by Action Fiction in San Francisco. It appears about 40 minutes into this podcast finale, which is chock full of amazing poetry, nonfiction and fiction by women and non-binary writers.

  • Also in November, The Racket published my prose poem, “Where I Come From is Dirt,” an ode both to my hometown, and to my late grandfather.

  • In December, the kind editors at Cutleaf Journal published “Scouting,” perhaps the most challenging essay I’ve ever written, about the loss of my first son. This essay is as much a meditation on loss as it is a recognition of what we gain when we allow ourselves to truly grieve.

I am still at work at my novel-in-progress, aided in large part by the amazing cohort of writers and coaches I’ve met through the Lighthouse Writers Book Project.